Shin Kimagure Orange☆Road: Soshite, Ano Natsu no Hajimari
新きまぐれオレンジ☆ロード ~ そして、あの夏のはじまり
In 1994, Kyousuke Kasuga is a war photographer covering the Bosnian War. However, in 1991, he was still an awkward college student struggling to be at ease in his relationship with Madoka Ayukawa. When Kyousuke is hit by a car in 1991, his soul becomes entangled with the soul of his future self. Struggling to understand the changes of the past three years, Kyousuke runs into Hikaru Hiyama, who has become a successful Broadway performer. As he tries to comprehend the feelings of the women in his life, Kyousuke must find a way to get back to the time where he belongs. [Written by MAL Rewrite]